Notes To Synchronize Brain

Notes To Synchronize Brain

Extracting binaural beats, like OmHarmonics binaural beats similarly as translators extract language meaning, is an activity that syncs your brain, but in this case, in a way that’s much more affordable and fun than conference interpretation. Since the brain can only hear one note at a time, the two hemispheres of the brain begin to work in synergy to get this one note out of both, immersing the entire brain into synchronization (with certain brain waves predominating).

As we know, the wavelength of the brain determines the mental state. Ancient shamans and healers knew a great deal about the wonders of drumming and repeated chanting as a way to revitalize the connection not only between parts of the brain but also the human brain and body and the subconscious. Ancient music was often much more diverse in terms of harmonics, sometimes incorporating imitations of natural rhythms – animals running, wind blowing, ocean sounds, etc.

It is also filled with many psychoacoustic tricks. For example, many ancient tribal drumming rituals use a rhythm of 4.5 beats per second to evoke a trance-like state; the human brain reflecting it at the same frequency begins to produce theta waves (4–8 Hz). These long brain waves are associated with deep meditation, trance states of mind, access to the subconscious, REM sleep, and increased creativity. The 4HZ binaural beat is probably the most famous among people familiar with this topic.

Through Theta waves the brain can heal our painful emotions, be creative and intuitive, feel more compassionate, and develop extraordinary learning abilities. Theta wave frequency also increases melatonin, a hormone that is not only important for healthy sleep, but also for the proper functioning of the immune system, especially in women.

Have you noticed that reflecting on many life situations in this newly awakened state of mind will give you a very different perspective, a fuller understanding of things, and often access to a loving part of yourself? Normally, your brain functions on Beta wave frequencies (14–40 HZ; concentration & alertness) so it will take you some time to reach 4-8 HZ. You have to go beyond the alpha waves first (8-14 HZ; relaxed focus, light meditation). If you are not experienced in meditation, you may need more time, even with binaural beats.

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