Feeding Chicken
There are three types of food for chickens for different purposes including a layer of pellets that are high in calcium and given to hens to lay eggs, a finisher feed with a high protein content and given to fatten chickens older than six weeks, and a high quality regular feed given to chickens. all kinds of chicken. Feed can be obtained in two forms; pellets that are usually given to ordinary chickens, and feed in the form of fine pieces for small chickens. Visit our website to learn more.
Complete nutrition for chicken. Provide fine gravel to help the chickens grind food and is a source of calcium for laying hens. Oyster shells or crushed eggshells can be a great source of calcium and free-roaming chickens don’t need fine gravel as they can find a substitute in the soil.
Provide limited feed for chickens. Chickens can almost eat anything, such as vegetables, fruit, food scraps, insects, seeds, and so on. Don’t allow chickens to eat avocados, rhubarb, onions, garlic, raw potatoes or eggs, citrus fruits, alcohol, chocolate, and salty foods. If you want to give eggs to chickens, cook them first. The best food for chickens is fresh food.
Don’t let the chicken run out of water. You should provide about 4 liters of water for 3 to 4 chickens. More water is needed if you have more chickens. Make sure you provide clean and fresh water and don’t forget to refill and clean the water container every day to avoid bacteria buildup. Ensure freshness and cleanliness of chicken food. At night, cover the food and water containers so they don’t attract pests and remove food debris to prevent mold growth.
Make sure the chickens are out of the coop in the morning, then put them back in when it gets dark and the sun goes down. When locking the coop door, make sure you count so that no chickens are left outside.